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Experience the natural benefits of Eucalyptus Citriodora with Eucapro Eucalyptus Citriodora Spray, and enjoy the soothing and refreshing qualities it brings to your living spaces. This spray is designed to freshen and purify the air in your surroundings, providing a calming and revitalizing atmosphere.


  • A multi-use spray with the fresh, clean fragrance of Eucalyptus Citriodora essential oil..
  • 100% effective as a mosquito repellent for two (2) hours in a four hours arm-in-cage test.
  •  Kill 99.99% germs within 15 Seconds on contact.
  • Multi-functional uses – Insect Repellent, Air Freshener, and antibacterial properties

EucaPro Eucalyptus Citriodora Spray

    • Toilet & Bathroom: Freshen and deodorize bathroom and toilet areas.
    • Pet Areas: Freshen and deodorize pet toys and bedding. Do not spray on the pet.
    • Room Freshener: Use as a room air freshener and to deodorize sofas and furnishings. Spray room approx. 30-60 seconds depending on the room size.
    • Natural Mosquito & Insect Repellent

    • Spray around the house & open area, or directly onto clothing/expose skin.
    • Keep a can on hand for outdoor activities, camping, and travel to help prevent bug bites.
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